Monday, March 19, 2012

Cuero, Texas

I had started this post before the accident, so will finish it and do a series of shorter posts about some of the fun things we did before and after the accident.  There really was more good than bad.

Birdie and I visited the little town of Cuero, famous for its "Turkey Trot." 

Turkeys have been raised here since the early 1900s.
Back then, they didn't have trucks to take the turkeys to market, so they "drove" them sort of like cattle. This sign explains the tradition.
This is a photo of one of the early turkey trots.
The town is proud of this heritage, and you see evidence of that everywhere.

Inside the Main Street Koffee Haus where we had lunch, Ruby Begonia (prize-winning turkey) was depicted in a mural having coffee with her turkey friends.
The Chamber of Commerce had a large display of antique reamers (what I call juicers) in all kinds of shapes and colors.

There were two large rooms full of reamers, but you get the idea.
Driving around town reminded me of McIntosh...where trees have the right-of-way.
 Courthouse in Cuero
 This same fancy hardware was on the ladies room door too.
 A couple of the older homes:
Allert House 

Breeder House 
 THought this was a creative way to start seedlings for the garden.
Storefronts dating to the 1890s.
Drive-up service at the back of the pharmacy!
So if you're ever in the area of Cuero, it's worth the stop.
And if they're closed, well....


  1. Love the post. Never thought about Texans herding turkeys. Too funny. Loved all the juicers too--seems like that would have fit better down in the Rio Grande Valley. Maybe RVers could start their own portable gardens. Hang it inside when traveling and outside when stopped.

  2. Lizzie, Glad to see you posting..and as always..your pictures are the story take us all on your to sit with you at the table...Can't wait...God Bless Ya ! Zeee and Critters 3

  3. Hi Liz! I love your photos from Cuero! I'm from American Road magazine, and we'd love to use some of them in an upcoming turkey-themed article we are working on. Can you contact me about this at Thanks! 
